Skyline Project Management – How we operate
Our business analysts and management team are people enthused by business processes working to solve real business problems with real business people. With over 300 years combined experience in supply chain operational design and delivery, we have a proven track record in business development, optimising workforce capability wherever possible.
In order to open our services up to our clients we have created a consultancy practice allowing clients to benefit from an on-tap resource to support strategic change projects. Whether you are an existing Skyline customer or are testing the service management waters, our consultancy services can be delivered as part of a wider supply project or a simple health check against your current operational model to ensure you are optimising the use of our software.
Optimisation services for pre-existing clients reviews your implementation of our software solutions with a collaborative mind-set aimed at honing your usage of Skyline whilst looking for touch-points where we can maximise optimisation efforts within the software package and methods of usage.
Our specialities:
Business Development, Project Management, After Sales Service Management, Relationship Management, Optimising Workforce Management, Network Development, Returns Logistics Management, Training, R&D, Building/Managing Support/Service Networks, Contract Negotiation, Ensuring delivery to SLAs, Branding/Marketing After-sales Service.
Review | Present | Deploy | Partners
Gap Analysis
Together with our experienced business analysts you will benefit from a consultation that reviews your business process with our intuitive software in mind.
Project Management
With the use of our project management tool over the space of the research and development period we can remotely collaborate on project development.
To ensure your business stays favourable with your client base with evolving expectations and technological advancement is no easy feat and near enough impossible if your software package is too rigid to accommodate increased functionality. Skyline allows businesses to scale their software package as and when your business is ready for it.
Account Management
Together with your dedicated account manager and skyline project management tools, enhancements and potential upgrades can be communicated seamlessly between your own research and development team and ourselves here at Skyline.
Dynamic Pricing
Pricing around development and consultations are made on a case-by-case basis as time and project scope varies from business to business. To ensure clarity, we provide clear development pipelines in order to meet the expectations set out by the business and to satisfy our own standards.
Close collaboration with our partners in order to enhance our software is what sets us apart from the competition. Whilst we expect an open channel to your business during the development of the software package there is always a door open at Skyline if you want to discuss or be supported on anything software related.
About Skyline Software
Skyline is a specialist E2E Software Solution specifically designed provide insight and innovation to the service and support sectors through enterprise software and collaboration. Providing service management solutions from small medium businesses to enterprise clients. Skyline’s vision is to become the market leader in the provision of innovative E2E service supply chain solutions within the after sales service sector, that enhance our client`s end user experience, through innovation within the following strategic pillars:
Collaborative – Solutions that develop through cooperation and listening.
Agile – Solutions that avoid big bangs and are modular in approach.
Scalable – Solutions that innovate in line with our clients changing needs.
Partnered – A network of aligned business partners within service and support sectors.
Delivered – Software with complete functionality across the service and support sectors.
Safe – Solutions that never burdens your resources yet are always available.
Our current clients consist of insurers, consumer products manufacturers, mobile phone networks, major retailers and service providers.
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If you would like more information on what Skyline and the PCCS Group can provide your business please contact –
Alicia Agius
T: 01604 968938